Things to do in London
So I made a jaunt up to London this weekend with some extremely kind and accomodating friends from back home...both of whom enjoy films and art galleries as much as I do. :) We visited the National Portrait Gallery (which was excellent but gave me a splitting headache from trying to read all the small print on the plaques!!) and The Museum Of Everything, a gallery of outsider art. We also tried to go to Riflemaker, but unfortunately it was closed even though their website seemed to indicate they were open on Sundays. Damn. (Here's the exhibition I saw there two years ago, which might give you an idea why I was keen to return there!!) I saw a lot of other things though, so many that it's all kind of a blur...
The tube system finally makes sense to me...and it only took, what, THREE trips to London to figure it out? Yeesh!!
Here's a couple of marginally entertaining sketches, sadly!
This is the Spar convenience store in Haymarket...and what's that on the window?! YES, you can get Tim Horton's coffee in London! Unfortunately it comes out of a dispenser, and as such, it's pretty terrible. But whatever.
Chillin' with Shakespeare in Leceister Square with my Timmie's coffee.
Oh, like YOU wouldn't have taken a picture of this. :p On a shop window just outside of the Sunday Market in Brick Lane (I think??)
It's CALVIN!!! And he's not peeing on a Ford logo!! Outside of Gosh Comics on Gt. Russell St. I just about cried when I saw this. I loved Calvin & Hobbes. I loved it so much that I can actually recite numerous strips verbatim, all these years later. The void it left on the comics page when it ended has yet to be filled, and I doubt it ever will be.
(Oh, I'm still working on the calendar, I promise you that...expect a flood of updates concerning that soon!)
The tube system finally makes sense to me...and it only took, what, THREE trips to London to figure it out? Yeesh!!
Here's a couple of marginally entertaining sketches, sadly!
(Oh, I'm still working on the calendar, I promise you that...expect a flood of updates concerning that soon!)
Labels: photos
Hi how are you?
I was looking through your blog, and I found it interesting, and inspiring to me, so I thought why not leave you a comment.
I too have a blog that I use out of Southern California here in San Diego.
Mostly it is a collection of artistic expression, and I have many friends with the same interests, maybe you can become my friend, and follow, and I can also follow you, if that is okay.
Well I hope to hear from you soon, and or read about you….LOL
I loved Calvin and Hobbes too!! So much that I named my cats Calvin and Hobbes. Then Hobbes left me for the rich family down the street and I was stuck with a cat named Calvin.
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